The reason for the difference in output between the two query modes is that Compatible Query Mode applies relational semantics to the report as it does not contain any dimensional functions. 这两个查询模式的输出出现差异的原因是因为CompatibleQueryMode没有任何维度函数,它只在报告中应用关系语义。
Why not just model the data as a document, which doesn't necessarily fit into a rigid relational model but roughly follows the semantics of a high-level model? 为什么不将数据建模为文档呢?这样可以不用死守严格的关系模式,而只需要大致遵循高级模式的语义。
Enterprise-ready relational databases have inherently distributed resources with reliable locking semantics. 企业级关系数据库的资源本质上就是带有可靠的锁语义的分布式资源。
This paper proposes a method of deriving keys for XML. This method constructs the constraint-concept hierarchical graph of normalized relational schema from RDB keys and foreign keys, from which the valid and complete XML keys are mapped preserving the original semantics. 文章提出了生成XML键的方法,该方法由关系数据库中的键、外键约束构造规范化关系模式的约束概念层次图,并保持语义映射为有效的、完全的XML键约束。
The MS algebra extends the relational algebra with extended operation semantics, the extended set of operation objects and new algebraic operators that support the statistical analysis queries. MS algebra is a theoretical framework for statistical and scientific database query languages. 二是MS代数包括很多支持统计分析查询的新代数操作,MS代数是构造对用户友好的统计与科学数据库查询语言的理论基础。
Quotient Operators of Fuzzy Relational Database Based on the Semantics 一种基于语义的模糊关系数据库除操作
Frame Semantics and Indirect Anaphora ON RELATIONAL DATABASE SEMANTICS 框架语义学与间接回指
The concept of functional dependency in the relational database has been introduced into the extensible markup language constraints for their semantics. 为了增加语义,把关系数据库理论中的函数依赖概念引入到XML约束中。
The study has shown that the algebraic model of structure of temporal objects has more advantages over temporal relational models in complex structures and temporal semantics modeling. 研究表明,时态对象模型在复杂结构和时态语义建模方面比时态关系模型更具优势。
In this paper, the formalized description of active rules in ORDBMS ( object relational database management system) is presented. The semantics of rule components, rule inheritance, rule operations, multiple rule triggering and rule cascade triggering is fully discussed. 归纳了ORDBMS(object-relationaldatabasemanagementsystem)主动性规则的一般描述形式,对规则各种语义、规则继承、规则操作、多规则触发以及规则的级联触发进行了全面的探讨。
On the other side, some themes like meaning, truth and reference considered by scientific semantics were given comprehensive, systematic and scientific analysis. Also, we analyze relational spheres and its metaphysical background of scientific semantics in depth. 另一方面,我们对意义、真理、指称等科学语义学研究所关注的主题也进行了全面的、系统的和科学的分析,并且对于科学语义学的关联界域及其形而上学背景进行了深入探讨。